Fiche de MANTOVANI Alessandro

Informations professionnelles

Statut: Docteur ED
Unité de recherche: Eurecom
Employeur: Eurecom

Date de debut de thèse: 1 janvier 2019
Date soutenance de thèse: 25 mars 2022
Directeur de thèse: Davide BALZAROTTI (Eurecom)
Sujet de thèse: Cognitive Human Enhancements for Cyber Reasoning Systems

Soutenance de thèse

Données générales

Titre : An Analysis of Human-in-the-loop Approaches for Reverse Engineering Automation
Date : 25 mars 2022
Heure: 10:00
Résumé : In system and software security, one of the first criterias to select an analysis methodology is to distinguish according to the availability of the source code. When the software we want to investigate is present only in a binary form, we must deploy multiple Reverse Engineering (RE) techniques to extract some interesting information. Artisans in the sector, known as Reverse Engineers, are in charge of mixing their personal experience with an arsenal of tools and methodologies to solve a RE problem. In this thesis, we took a step more on this problem and we try to realize what current RE paradigms lack of to increase the automation level. First, we identified two main human-in-the-loop RE setups, and we described the human role in the RE analysis pipeline with a focus on the types of feedback that the experts communicate to the automated component. After that, we performed a second step to investigate how different Reverse Engineers approach a RE task.
Lieu : Eurecom

Rapporteurs/ Rapporteuses

Personne Qualité Etablissement
M. Marion Jean-yves Professeur des universités Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications
M. Dacier Marc Professeur des universités KAUST, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Arabie Saoudite)

Composition du jury

Personne Qualité Etablissement
M. Marion Jean-yves Professeur des universités Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications
M. Dacier Marc Professeur des universités KAUST, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Arabie Saoudite)
Mme. Bilge Leyla Industrielle NortonLifeLock, NortonLifeLock
M. Continella Andrea Maître de Conférences International Secure Systems Lab, Université de Twente (Pays-Bas)
M. Balzarotti Davide Professeur des universités EURECOM, Sorbonne Université