Projet de recherche doctoral numero :2547


Date depot: 1 janvier 1900
Titre: Reliability of Probabilistic Circuits
Directeur de thèse: Jean-Francois NAVINER (LTCI (EDMH))
Directrice de thèse: Lirida NAVINER (LTCI (EDMH))
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Non defini

Resumé: The problem of computing correctness in a probabilistic circuit has much in common with the problem of modeling and improving robustness against soft error in digital circuits. In both cases, it is necessary to assess the ability of a circuit to mask any internal miscalculations and to add redundancy ef- fectively. Telecom ParisTech team has developed several methods and tools suitable for these tasks. The thesis work will address the necessary changes to these methods in order to extend their use to probabilistic cir- cuits or, if appropriate, to propose new methods. Indeed, although there is much convergence between the two problems, sources of error are of different natures, and this must be taken into account to obtain relevant results. In addition, we will focus on the impact of these errors in the signal processing operators.

Doctorant.e: Liu Kaikai