Projet de recherche doctoral numero :2651


Date depot: 1 janvier 1900
Titre: Biométrie dans un contexte de vidéo surveillance.
Directeur de thèse: Jean-Luc DUGELAY (Eurecom)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Non defini

Resumé: At the moment, people involved in video surveillance studies on the one hand and people involved in biometrics on the other hand form two distinct communities. In particular they do not use the same databases to test and design their algorithms and do not work with the same objectives. Researchers in video surveillance are working on videos obtained from classical and existing video cameras (one or several) generally of low quality and try to identify or recognize a human activity (eg. walking, running, etc.) whereas researchers and developers in biometrics (in particular face recognition) are mainly working from one single frontal image (possibly extracted from a video) that has been either normalized in luminance and pose or either taken under very constraint conditions (ie. frontal, neutral expression, etc.) to recognize people. In this thesis, we plan to tackle the difficult problem on working on biometrics from video sequences provided by video cameras of surveillance with unconstraint conditions on users or environment). Such an approach includes many benefits: - We do not need collaborative users (users can even be not aware of being under authentication); - We do not use specific acquisitions (videos cameras already exist; no additional costs); - We can operate authentication on-the-move (no delay); - We can expect to operate at a large scale (major sport events, large airport, etc.)

Doctorant.e: Velardo Carmelo