Projet de recherche doctoral numero :2866


Date depot: 1 janvier 1900
Titre: Assurance Qualité pour les Systèmes M2M : Application aux Passerelles et Algorithmes Multimédia Adaptables
Directeur de thèse: Renaud RIOBOO (SAMOVAR)
Encadrant : Renaud PAWLAK (LISITE)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Non defini

Resumé: The thesis consists of studying the use of advanced and formal modeling and implementation techniques in order to ensure the quality of M2M applications. Within the MCUBE project, M2M applications are complex applications that often require specific algorithms such as image or sound processing analysis to be deployed on various embedded systems that impose strong constraints such as real-time, energy management, memory, communication, and fault-tolerance constraints. In addition to these constraints, these applications often need to take into account heterogeneous asynchronous data flows coming from sensor networks to which they are connected. In order to ensure the quality and the consistent deployment and administration of such applications, it is necessary to ensure a certain degree of formal or semi-formal validation with regard to their environment. The goal of this thesis will be to invent methods and tools to achieve this validation (including for example appropriated environment models, formal validation techniques, Domain-Specific Languages, etc.). At this point, the approach can be model-driven or language-based, or both. At some point during the thesis, a strategy will be chosen. An important challenge of this thesis it to invent a technique that can be used by industrials at relatively low cost. To that matter, Focalize, which comes with an interesting framework for modeling environments, will be closely studied. Also, partial interpretation and static analysis techniques are interesting candidates.

Doctorant.e: Le Truong Giang