Projet de recherche doctoral numero :3243


Date depot: 1 janvier 1900
Titre: Multi-party quantum cryptographic primitives in realistic environments
Directeur de thèse: Gerard COHEN (LTCI (EDMH))
Directrice de thèse: Eleni DIAMANTI (LIP6)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Non defini

Resumé: In an increasingly connected and globalized world, the notions of security and privacy are an imperative, henceforth making cryptography a very important research field. In the not so far future, adversaries are likely to possess the ability to perform computations on quantum computers that would enable them to break most of the commonly used security systems. It is, therefore, an urgency to strengthen the foundations of cryptography, in order to make them sufficient for a world where quantum computation and communication is an available resource. Quantum computation has had a tremendous impact in the field of cryptography in the last decades. Shor's algorithm for factoring shows that quantum computers are probably more powerful than classical ones, since factoring is assumed to be hard for any classical computer. Moreover, the ability to communicate over quantum channels has made it possible to revisit unconditionally secure cryptography, in particular in the context of secret key distribution. These developments have opened the way to using the power of quantum mechanical systems to achieve a level of security in computer and communication infrastructures that is impossible to achieve by any classical means. The proposed research project is situated at the heart of this exciting field. It has the goal to build upon the wealth of knowledge available for quantum key distribution to explore advanced quantum cryptographic primitives in a realistic setting, which involves practical components and multiple communication parties.

Doctorant.e: Pappa Anna