Projet de recherche doctoral numero :3413


Date depot: 1 janvier 1900
Titre: Privacy aware social network
Directrice de thèse: Salima BENBERNOU (LIPADE)
Encadrant : Mourad OUZIRI (LIPADE)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Non defini

Resumé: Our society and economy increasingly depends on the Internet as a communication backbone. The Web has become a primary repository of information, easily found thanks to progress in search algorithms and data analysis. Moreover, the new technologies that allow users to easily create original content and annotate existing content, are changing the dynamics of the Web: from being a space with considerably more content consumers than content producers, the Web is becoming a platform where every information consumer is potentially a producer as well. Hence, the huge recent increase in web-based applications carried out on the Internet has accompanied by an exponential amount of data exchanged by the interacting entities through web-services or in social network, such as, virtual communities, and the growth of consumer awareness of their lack of privacy. In fact, as the amount of exchanged information exponentially grows the number of inappropriate usage and leakage of personal data is increasing, privacy has emerged and is becoming one of the most important and the most crucial concerns and challenging issues. It is today one of the major concerns of users exchanging information through the web, including service requesters, service providers, end-user in virtual communities and legislators. Everyone who has purchased anything from the Internet had led the experience of pausing and wondering if is 'safe' to enter one’s credit card information.

Doctorant.e: Ben Amor Iheb