Projet de recherche doctoral numero :3437


Date depot: 1 janvier 1900
Titre: Brain-Computer Interfaces for large public applications
Directrice de thèse: Isabelle BLOCH (LIP6)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Non defini

Resumé: More and more systems use electromagnetic waves, in particular for telecommunications. New interfaces exploiting the interactions of such waves with the human body are emerging and will certainly be more and more developed in a near future. A particularly promising direction is brain-computer interfaces (BCI), which record the brain activity of a subject in order to transfer commands and orders directly to a computer. Several projects have been carried out in this domain, such as Open-VIBE project ( in France or BBCI project ( in Germany. In all existing projects using non-invasive systems (i.e. without using implanted electrodes), the recording is performed using electro-encephalograhy (EEG) devices, using helmets with a lot of electrodes (typically 64). The main applications are dedicated to neuroscience studies, which are also classical applications of EEG, both for research (for understanding brain processes) and for clinical applications (for pathologies such as epilepsy and strokes). A review of recent trends can be found in Mak and Wolpaw (2009) (J. N. Mak, J. R. Wolpaw: Clinical Applications of Brain-Computer Interaces: Current State and Future Prospects, IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, Vol.2, 187-199, 2009.). Emerging applications focus on personal assistance, but very little on large public applications such as video games. New devices are developed for this aim ( for instance), but are still at a very early stage of development, and not adaptable for specific applications. A lot of open issues should be addressed to promote this new technology for real applications under easy usage constraints.

Doctorant.e: Yang Yuan