Projet de recherche doctoral numero :3586


Date depot: 1 janvier 1900
Titre: A Service-Oriented Architecture for Mobile Cloud Computing
Directrice de thèse: Samia BOUZEFRANE (CEDRIC)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Non defini

Resumé: The objective of this proposed research is to build a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for mobile cloud computing. Recent development of mobile cloud computing [10] constructed a new service oriented framework that recruits mobile devices as service providers to build a sensing-based new application platform. In such a framework, each mobile device (usually an embedded device) is a service provider. First, an embedded device senses its surrounding information, such as wireless communication channel status, neighboring nodes information, environmental information (e.g., CO2 and pollution levels, etc.), personal information (e.g., medical and health information using bio sensors), etc. Second, the mobile cloud creates a dual computing model in that embedded devices can outsource its computing-intensive tasks to the cloud. In the above described mobile cloud framework, service oriented approach is a natural choice to support mobile cloud software development and service provisioning. To facilitate the mobile cloud computing, CNAM has developed a new OSGi -based SOA framework to design Android applications based on OSGi bundles. The proposed platform targets to develop a component-based software package that implements the service-component model with modularity and reusability capabilities. It makes Android platforms more dynamic by providing SOA features such as dynamic class-loading, versioning management, and dynamic bundle configuration avoiding the Android platform restart. On the other side, Arizona State University (ASU) had developed the mobile cloud computing infrastructure. The aim of this thesis will be to define a cooperating model based on SOA so that mobile devices can outsource intensive computing to the cloud. The proof of concept will establish an SOA-based service platform using Android-based systems developed at CNAM and incorporate the SOA-based service platform into the Mobicloud computing platform established at ASU.

Doctorant.e: Houacine Fatiha