Projet de recherche doctoral numero :3866


Date depot: 1 janvier 1900
Titre: Technologies MIMO virtuelles pour les reseaux mesh robustes
Directeur de thèse: David GESBERT (Eurecom)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Non defini

Resumé: Thesis summary: Mesh networks (but also celular and adhoc networks) can benefit greatly from coordination methods aiming at mitigating interference between simultaneous transmissions. For large scale and dense networks, the high level of inter-dependence between transmission strategies taken by the various nodes makes it difficult to converge toward a satisfactory equilibrium without a significant sharing of information between the nodes. At the core of this problem lies the problem of distributed decision making. As transmitters in the wireless networks can be considered as agents willing to cooperate, they can do so only at the price of information exchange mechanisms (i.e. exchange of channel state information, user data information etc.). In an ideal world, information exchange has zero cost and transmitters can make decisions (about the choice of various transmissions parameters such as beamforming direction, power level, frequency assignment, modulation and coding etc..) in a way that perfectly emulates a centralized optimization of the network, leading to optimal cooperation gains. In practice, information exchange is neither perfect nor free. Communication between nodes introduces latency, and is done at a finite rate, consuming spectral resources.

Doctorant.e: Li Qianrui