Date depot: 25 juillet 2018
Titre: Frameworks for verification of quantum technologies
Directeur de thèse:
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Non defini
In the last few years we have seen unprecedented advances in quantum information
technologies. Already quantum key distribution systems are available commercially. In the
near future we will see waves of new quantum devices, offering unparalleled benefits for
security, communication, computation and sensing. A key question to the success of this
technology is their verification and validation.
Quantum technologies encounter an acute verification and validation problem: On one hand,
since classical computations cannot scale-up to the computational power of quantum
mechanics, verifying the correctness of a quantum-mediated computation is challenging. On
the other hand, the underlying quantum structure resists classical certification analysis.
This PhD will focus on developing methods for verification of quantum technologies, and the fundamental physical and mathematical frameworks behind these methods.
The student will build on techniques developed by supervisors in LORIA and LIP6, based around the measurement based picture of quantum information.
The student will develop and extend notably two frameworks, the stabiliser framework and the ZX calculus (both partially developed by the supervisors) in order to explore how quantum features that give an advantage in quantum technology and be certified.
These will be used to tackle questions of optimisation, resource tradeoff and practicality in terms of implementation. The student will also consider extensions of these frameworks for the infinite dimensional implementation of quantum information known as Continuous Variables. The infinite dimensional case requires careful consideration as many finite dimensional results do not hold (for example continuity of entropy).
Doctorant.e: Booth Robert