Projet de recherche doctoral numero :5543


Date depot: 17 décembre 2018
Titre: Modelling communicative behaviors for different roles of pedagogical agents
Directrice de thèse: Catherine PELACHAUD (ISIR (EDITE))
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Intelligence artificielle

Resumé: The thesis is part of the ANIMATAS project which is a European Training Network (ETN) project. In ANIMATAS, the focus is on artificial agents for education in schools with the aim of operationalizing different pedagogical roles (e.g. tutor, motivator peer…) by developing advanced computational models able to establish and maintain intuitive and natural social interactions. Three main objectives have been defined: 1) Exploration of fundamental questions relating to the interconnections between robots and virtual characters’ appearance, behaviours and perception by people 2) Development of new social learning mechanisms that can deal with different types of human intervention and allow robots and virtual characters to learn in an unconstrained manner 3) Development of new approaches for robots and virtual characters’ personalised adaptation to human users in unstructured and dynamically evolving social interactions.

Doctorant.e: Krishna Sooraj