Date depot: 13 mars 2019
Titre: Fundamental limits of coded catching and distributed computing
Directeur de thèse:
Petros ELIA (Eurecom)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Non defini
The thesis of Emanuele Parinello will
take a feedback-information-theoretic view of distributed pre-storage as well
as distributed computing, capitalizing on the fact that each method builds on
the imperfections of the other. His aim will be to transform preemptive storage
into a powerful cognitive ingredient that can adaptively change the
informational structure of a variety of communication problems. This new
synergy has the potential to entirely transform the way both memory-aided
coded-multicasting and interference-management are perceived and used in
wireless networks as well as in distributed computing settings.
Emphasis will be placed in memory-aided
communications in topological networks, where the main idea is that we will
explore how preemptive distributed-storage must adapt to different network
topologies. Topology crucially lies at the core of how memory should be used:
it defines the characteristics of the propagation of signals (interfering and
not), it defines the extent to which feedback is a bottleneck, and in the end
it defines the impact of every megabyte of memory.
Doctorant.e: Parrinello Emanuele