Date depot: 14 mars 2019
Titre: Technical Challenges in the Cyber-Insurance Domain
Directeur de thèse:
Davide BALZAROTTI (Eurecom)
Encadrante :
Leyla BILGE (NortonLifeLock)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Non defini
Since cyber-attacks are increasingly
more sophisticated and ICT infrastructure outages cannot be prevented by purely
technical solutions, the protection against all possible cyber attacks is
neither possible nor economically feasible. Thus, in order to handle the
residual risk, organizations are moving to a different risk management approach
taking into account risk transfer in the form of cyber-insurance.
Existing works addressing cyber
insurance challenges from a technical security point of view are still at an
early stage. In fact, when it comes to assessing the risk associated with a
company, insurers usually rely on questionnaires and security audit logs. The
goal of this project is to work in the area of risk prediction, which aims at
identifying a set of features that can predict the likelihood of a particular
organization to become a victim of a cyber attack.
Doctorant.e: Dambra Savino