Projet de recherche doctoral numero :5837


Date depot: 20 mars 2019
Titre: Multi-sensors Raw-data Fusion for Next Generation Autonomous Driving Systems
Directeur de thèse: Pietro MICHIARDI (Eurecom)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Non defini

Resumé: Tomorrow's mobility is progressively bending towards partial or full autonomy of vehicles. Many efforts are provided by the research and industrial community to make Autonomous Driving (AD) a reality. One of the scientific and technical challenges associated to the autonomous driving problem is the liability and robustness in understanding the surrounding environment from the measurements acquired by the vehicle embedded sensors. These perception systems (cameras, RADARs, LIDARs, Ultra-Sonic-Sensors, etc.) require a variety of down-stream technologies to detect, localize and semantically label agents and obstacles around the autonomous vehicle. In the context of this Ph.D. Thesis project, the focus will be on the design, analysis and evaluation of probabilistic data fusion techniques with the ultimate goal of building an ego-centric world model to be used by downstream components in charge of using it to take driving decisions. The challenges we will address in this thesis revolve around: 1) efficient definition and computation of an appropriate multi-dimensional feature space to optimally exploit the data acquired from multiple sensor types (cameras, RADARs, LIDARs, Ultra-Sonic-Sensors, etc.); 2) probabilistic statistical models for classification to detect and understand the surrounding objects from the computed multi-dimensional feature space; 3) quantification of the uncertainty affecting the detection problem and interpretability of the results in terms of performance applicable to the automotive field. This Thesis is supported by Renault Software Labs, which will prove fundamental in sharing data collected from a variety of sensors, in addition to several thousands of kilometres of (possibly labelled) road driving data.

Doctorant.e: Da Silva--Filarder Matthieu