Projet de recherche doctoral numero :5927


Date depot: 11 avril 2019
Titre: Synchronisation autonomic
Directrice de thèse: Lélia BLIN (IRIF)
Directeur de thèse: Franck PETIT (LIP6)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Systèmes et réseaux

Resumé: The thesis aims at studying synchronization problems within dynamic distributed systems. The scientific agenda is mainly twofold. First, it will consist in studying synchronization problems in the context of TVG with the goal to produce suffisant and necessary conditions to enable global and local synchronization paradigms. Second, we would like to enable effective autonomic synchronization by proposing self-stabilizing synchronization protocols designed for dynamic environements.

Doctorant.e: Le Bouder Gabriel