Projet de recherche doctoral numero :6112


Date depot: 27 juin 2019
Titre: Self Interference Cancellation and Transceiver Techniques for Multi-Antenna Full Duplex Radio Systems
Directeur de thèse: Dirk SLOCK (Eurecom)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Non defini

Resumé: This thesis will focus both on self-interference cancellation and on multi-antenna transceiver techniques for wireless systems containing full duplex radio units. Self-interference cancellation topics: • We will in particular focus on pushing the limits of digital cancellation techniques, by modeling of non-linearities. Compressed sensing techniques will be used for the model determination. • For the adaptation of digital filters, some attention will go to the relaying scenario, which represents a case of strong correlation between filter input and filter error. • Extension to hybrid architectures: digital solutions cannot work alone Multi-antenna transceiver techniques: • Full Duplex MIMO Self backhauling in 5G • (MIMO) relaying for interference reduction: Design and analysis of multi-user multi-cell interference networks with MIMO relays, with mixed half and full duplex nodes. • Two-way spatial filter training (exploiting reciprocity): Bidirectional training schemes that use transmission over the channel to do fast filter computations, allowing superfast in-network transceiver adaptation with simultaneous transmission.

Doctorant.e: Sheemar Chandan