Date depot: 30 septembre 2019
Titre: VNF measurement methodology and tools in digital infrastructures
Directeur de thèse:
Serge FDIDA (LIP6)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Non defini
Digital infrastructures are the outcome of several decades of evolution of both the telecommunication and computer software industry. An important transformation is happening, powered by technology and driven by applications. Following the rise of the Internet and the wireless push, this transformation shows a fantastic disruptive capability. It is associated to the IoT and cloud evolution as well as to the emergence of the so-called verticals. It develops on the virtualization techniques and on the “softwarization” of the network functions, enabling the ability to program the infrastructure, capturing the “on-demand” user’s need and therefore providing more agile resource provisioning.
The historic separation between the network and the compute has vanished. As defined by Sun microsystems long ago, “the Network is the Computer” (John Gage 1984); resources are everywhere supported by virtualization, distribution and cloud SaaS.
This approach lacks tools to support its continuous operation. We propose a methodology and operational tools to monitor and measure NFV at speed.
Doctorant.e: Jia Ru