Date depot: 3 octobre 2019
Titre: Quantum Information Networks using Graph States
Directeur de thèse:
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Non defini
Quantum information offers the possibility of unparalleled advantages in levels of security
and computational power, and quantum technologies promise revolutionary boosts for sensing
and imaging. By now quantum communication protocols between two parties are well
developed, with systems for quantum key distribution commercially available and devices for
quantum sensing imaging are on the point of being industrialised. Between these and the
elusive full-scale quantum computer there is a vast unutilised gap. Not only is this a waste, it
misses out on the great potential that a quantum network can offer.
This project aims to fill this hole and make decisive moves towards a quanutm internet. Our
vision of a quantum network is one where different users have different technological powers,
some with only classical capabilities, some with limited quantum and very few (if any) with
quantum computers. We will explore how such networks can already offer great advantages
for example in allowing delegated and verified use of quantum technologies – not only full
scale computers, but limited computers, sensing divices and communication devices. In this
way the power of the quantum network will not simply be the combined powers of individual
protocols and devices but new utility will emerge as they can be combined in new ways. The
flip side of this vision will be the exploration of the foundations of quantum physics as seen
from a network utility perspective.
The graph state framework represents an unrivalled opportunity to do this. Not only can
essentially all quantum information protocols be written in this framework, it provides the
natural language to combine different primitives and protocols, key to a network’s usefulness.
In addition, it is ideally suited for implementation, representing the pinnacle of success in
implementations to date.
The student will use the graph state framework to develop and explore new possibilities for
quantum networks, and their first proof of principle experimental implentations. This project
will encompass topics from computer science, mathematics, theoretical physics and optics.
Doctorant.e: Shettell Nathan