Projet de recherche doctoral numero :7893


Date depot: 1 octobre 2020
Titre: Decentralized coordination between flying access points in the future IoT
Directeur de thèse: David GESBERT (Eurecom)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Algorithmique, combinatoire

Resumé: Rapid innovation in producing low-cost and high-quality commercial unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones is set to revolutionize many sectors in our day-to-day. [1],[2],[3]. On the other hand, high-performance, ultra-flexible connectivity for cellular and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices is essential in the design of post-5G and 6G wireless communication networks. In traditional infrastructure based wireless networks, once the network is deployed the base stations (BSs) are generally static, which means networks cannot easily cope with abrupt changes in topology, or disaster related failure of some radio equipment, or sudden temporal and geographical increase in traffic demands (in a flash-crowded event scenario). Another key IoT scenario involves harvesting data from sensor nodes that are placed on the ground or structures over wide areas. There again BS equipment is spread out, which means data harvesting requires higher transmission power from sensors to convey the information, which drains the sensor/device battery faster than usual and limits the network’s life. Mitsubishi Electric has a broad activity in electrical and electronic systems; and in particular in telecommunication, robots, factory automation equipment, on-board devices for cars. In particular, MERCE is a research center targeting future generations of technologies, standardization and open innovation. This PhD thesis proposes the fundamental study of how to customize the wireless communication systems to enable efficient cooperation of agents, and is of particular interest as it is common to several domains of application.

Doctorant.e: Mestoukirdi Mohamad