Projet de recherche doctoral numero :8058


Date depot: 24 novembre 2020
Titre: Cloud Edge Continuum (CEC) to support emerging network services that require low latency and high bandwidth usage
Directeur de thèse: Adlen KSENTINI (Eurecom)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Systèmes et réseaux

Resumé: Résumé du projet de recherche (Langue 1)Cloud Edge Continuum (CEC) is the natural evolution of the cloud computing paradigm, as newgenerations of service such as VR/AR, cloud gaming, autonomous driving are envisioned. This ismotivated by the widespread use of mobile devices and the deployment of new mobile networkgeneration (5G) that will improve communications by providing higher bandwidth and low-latency.CEC aims to unify computing platforms that run at the edge close to end-users to reduce low-latencyrequired by services, like AR/VR, with a centralized cloud that runs more persistent and delay-tolerantservices. CEC is in infancy, and many challenges remain and need to be addressed: (i) How to build acontinuum service that can transparently run in different locations?; (ii) How to manage andorchestrate in a unified way cloud and edge resources? Knowing that different actors may be involved;network providers, cloud providers, and end-user devices. In this thesis project, we will address thesechallenges by studying and proposing architectural and algorithmic solutions to enable CEC and answerthe above questions and challenges.

Doctorant.e: Mekki Mohamed