Date depot: 18 mars 2021
Titre: Deep Learning Compact and Invariant Image Representations for Instance Retrieval
Directeur de thèse:
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Non defini
Resumé: Image instance retrieval is the problem of finding an object instance present in a query image from a database of images. Also referred to as particular object retrieval, this problem typically entails determining with high precision whether the retrieved image contains the same object as the query image. Scale, rotation and orientation changes between query and database objects and background clutter pose significant challenges for this problem. State-of-the-art image instance retrieval pipelines consist of two major steps: first, a subset of images similar to the query are retrieved from the database, and second, Geometric Consistency Checks (GCC) are applied to select the relevant images from the subset with high precision. The first step is based on comparison of global image descriptors: high-dimensional vectors with up to tens of thousands of dimensions representing the image data. The second step is computationally highly complex and can only be applied to hundreds or thousands of images in practical applications. More discriminative global descriptors result in relevant images being more highly ranked, resulting in fewer images that need to be compared pairwise with GCC. As a result, better global descriptors are key to improving retrieval performance and have been the object of much recent interest. Furthermore, fast searches in large databases of millions or even billions of images requires the global descriptors to be compressed into compact representations. This thesis is focusing on how to achieve extremely compact global descriptor representations for large-scale image instance retrieval.
Doctorant.e: Morere Olivier