Projet de recherche doctoral numero :8240


Date depot: 7 décembre 2021
Titre: Efficient Public-Key Protocols and Applications
Directrice de thèse: Melek ONEN (Eurecom)
Encadrant : Antonio FAONIO (Eurecom)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Calcul arithmétique et formel, codage et cryptologie

Resumé: This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on This statement is describing some problems and directions we would like to address in our research on Efficient Public Efficient Public Efficient Public Efficient Public Efficient Public-Key Cryptography.Key Cryptography.Key Cryptography.Key Cryptography. 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This is a stimulating research area that has seen considerable progress in recent years; nonetheless, This is a stimulating research area that has seen considerable progress in recent years; nonetheless, This is a stimulating research area that has seen considerable progress in recent years; nonetheless, This is a stimulating research area that has seen considerable progress in recent years; nonetheless, This is a stimulating research area that has seen considerable progress in recent years; nonetheless, This is a stimulating research area that has seen considerable progress in recent years; nonetheless, This is a stimulating research area that has seen considerable progress in recent years; nonetheless, This is a stimulating research area that has seen considerable progress in recent years; nonetheless, This is a stimulating research area that has seen considerable progress in recent years; nonetheless, This is a stimulating research area that has seen considerable progress in recent years; nonetheless, This is a stimulating research area that has seen considerable progress in recent years; nonetheless, This is a stimulating research area that has seen considerable progress in recent years; nonetheless, This is a stimulating research area that has seen considerable progress in recent years; nonetheless, This is a stimulating research area that has seen considerable progress in recent years; nonetheless, This is a stimulating research area that has seen considerable progress in recent years; nonetheless, This is a stimulating research area that has seen considerable progress in recent years; nonetheless, This is a stimulating research area that has seen considerable progress in recent years; nonetheless, This is a stimulating research

Résumé dans une autre langue: Ce document décrit certains problèmes et certaines directions que nous aimerions aborder dans notre recherche sur la cryptographie à clef publique (cryptographie asymétrique) efficace. Il s'agit d'un domaine de recherche stimulant qui a connu des progrès considérables ces dernières années ; néanmoins, il existe une multitude de problèmes ouverts dans ce domaine, et nous décrivons brièvement certains des objectifs que nous aimerions atteindre. Repousser les frontières actuelles des constructions de l'état de l'art, surmonter les limitations actuelles des schémas connus, explorer de nouveaux paramètres de sécurité pour capturer des attaques particulièrement sournoises, étendre les exigences de sécurité des schémas précédents, sont quelques directions de recherche que nous aimerions considérer. Nous encourageons les recherches qui traitent de tout problème ayant un grand impact sur les protocoles et les calculs anonymes et privés et que nous aimerions transmettre à la communauté de la cryptographie, comme de nouveaux chiffrements ré-randomisables avec des propriétés de sécurité améliorées ou des protocoles efficaces basés sur la cryptographie à base de couplages.

Doctorant.e: Russo Luigi