Projet de recherche doctoral numero :8309


Date depot: 11 avril 2022
Titre: Personalized physical activity coaching
Directrice de thèse: Maria TROCAN (LISITE)
Encadrante : Patricia CONDE-CESPEDES (LISITE)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Données et connaissances

Resumé: Nowadays, one of the major current health risks is excessive sitting during work hours. Furthermore, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and the corresponding government state of emergency forced many people to work from home. These constraints carried out an important change in the lifestyle of people; for instance, the proportion of sitting time in front of a computer during working hours has increased considerably worldwide, particularly through the implementation of teleworking. Unfortunately, a sedentary lifestyle can have serious implications for people’s health. Indeed, sitting for long periods is associated with chronic diseases by not getting regular exercise, such as obesity, heart diseases, high blood pressure, cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, osteoporosis, increased feelings of depression and anxiety [MED21]. For all these reasons, it is important that employees with a sedentary profession to be encouraged to be sufficiently physically active during working hours. Some workplaces made special efforts to stimulate physical activities among the employees, such as implementing exercise classes during lunch time, walking challenges among coworkers, or allowing employees to stand rather than sit at their desks during work. Others propose other kinds of interventions, such as using of under-desk pedal machine, sit-stand desks, the promotion of stair use, etc. [NIC21, COM15]. However, there is no clear evidence that such devices reduce the sitting time.

Doctorant.e: Rietdijk Harald