Projet de recherche doctoral numero :8365


Date depot: 28 juillet 2022
Titre: Efficiency of device-independent certification methods
Directeur de thèse: Damian MARKHAM (LIP6)
Directrice de thèse: Eleni DIAMANTI (LIP6)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Algorithmique quantique

Resumé: The main theme of this thesis is the certification of quantum resources. It is of vital importance to accompany quantum information protocols with reliable certification techniques. Certification is necessary for a number of reasons. The first one is related to the unavoidable presence of noise or decoherence. Before using a quantum device, one has to be able to ensure that the device functions properly or at least that its deviations from the blueprint are not significant. The second reason is related to cryptographic applications. When performing cryptographic protocols one has to take into account possible adversarial activities. In some cases, one would like to be able to perform a cryptographic protocol even if an adversary or an eavesdropper has or had access to the devices used in the protocol. When it comes to quantum computing, an important question is how to efficiently and reliably verify that the computing system relies on quantum resources and that the process is not classically simulatable. To build a certification method one has to understand what properties of a quantum system are not only fundamental but also observable, in order to distinguish them from classical counterparts. This thesis develops new methods to address these questions and applies them to various scenarios across quantum information.

Doctorant.e: Baroni Matilde