Fiche de CHIAPPONI Elisa

Informations professionnelles

Statut: Docteur ED
Unité de recherche: Eurecom
Employeur: Eurecom

Date de debut de thèse: 1 avril 2020
Date soutenance de thèse: 7 novembre 2023
Directeur de thèse: Marc DACIER (KAUST)
Sujet de thèse: Analysis and mitigation of new generation of botnet Thématique : Systèmes et réseaux

Soutenance de thèse

Données générales

Titre : Detecting and Mitigating the New Generations of Scraping Bots
Date : 7 novembre 2023
Heure: 09:00
Résumé : Nowadays, web domains face challenges due to a significant amount of traffic caused by scraping requests. To safeguard themselves, these websites employ detection mechanisms that rely on easily to manipulate client-side parameters. As a result, when the bots encounter mitigation measures, the actors behind them simply modify the parameters and send new requests. This situation highlights the need for new approaches that can effectively detect and mitigate scraping connections, surpassing the existing limitations. This thesis progresses in this direction by introducing novel techniques. We propose a new mitigation approach leveraging a web app honeypot. We present two innovative methods based on network measurement that are designed to identify the most sophisticated scrapers, those utilizing Residential IP Proxies (RESIP). Furthermore, we delve into the internal algorithms employed by RESIP providers and propose a new technique for geolocating the actors leveraging RESIPs.

Rapporteurs/ Rapporteuses

Personne Qualité Etablissement
M. Di pietro Roberto Professeur des universités Computer Science du nouveau Resilient Computing and Cybersecurity Cente, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Arabie Saoudite)
M. Donnet Benoit Professeur des universités Research Unit in Networking, Univ. de Liege (Belgique)

Composition du jury

Personne Qualité Etablissement
M. Balzarotti Davide Professeur des universités EURECOM, Sorbonne Université
M. Di pietro Roberto Professeur des universités Computer Science du nouveau Resilient Computing and Cybersecurity Cente, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Arabie Saoudite)
M. Donnet Benoit Professeur des universités Research Unit in Networking, Univ. de Liege (Belgique)
Mme. Bilge Leyla Industrielle NortonLifeLock, NortonLifeLock
M. Thonnard Olivier Directeur de recherche Amadeus IT Group
M. Mi Xianghang Professeur des universités School of Computer Science, University of Science and Technology of China (Chine)
M. Dacier Marc Professeur des universités KAUST, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Arabie Saoudite)