Projet de recherche doctoral numero :4997


Date depot: 29 mars 2018
Titre: Intelligent Exploration of Whole Slide Image for Digital Pathology
Directeur de thèse: Nicolas LOMENIE (LIPADE)
Directeur de thèse: Julien CALDERARO (APHP (UP))
Encadrant : Christophe KLEIN (CRC)
Domaine scientifique: Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
Thématique CNRS : Intelligence artificielle

Resumé: Project Digital Histopathology is on the verge of a revolution and we need to consolidate the trend at the National/Regional level. We have already built upon a local community few lines of research. In particular, a recent collaboration about assessment of lymphocyte infiltration out of Whole Slide Image for clinical applications has led to publication and on)going patent proposal with SATT Innov IdF. We would like to go further in that direction by proposing a fully-fledged processing pipeline (big data and image processing) including machine learning modules (deep learning) to tackle a wide range of biological issues about analysis of digital tissue landscapes (from clinical diagnosis to tumor environment analysis). Challenges The scientific challenges are manyfold :  color analysis  topological analysis  data analyses pipelines fully integrated in a so-called 'post-genomic microscope' in which relations between genetic analysis can be correlated to high precision phenotypic description. International challenge The challenge is clearly international and most advanced countries are running for proposing solutions.

Doctorant.e: Zeng Qinghe